Designed and led equity-driven community engagement to identify urban renewal priorities for two plan areas.
The Fort Collins Urban Renewal Authority (URA) wanted to better understand community priorities for future redevelopment in two existing plan areas: North Fort Collins and Prospect South. The URA called on IBE to design and deliver inclusive community engagement that would reflect a full spectrum of community perspectives and priorities. IBE helped to form and lead working groups, in-person and online workshops and community forums, and designed and analyzed online public questionnaires. Engagement activities included asset mapping, ideating potential improvements, and participatory budgeting to prioritize how the URA might invest its funds to best serve the community. For the North Fort Collins plan area, IBE worked with La Familia and its Mi Voz Group, a civic engagement and leadership development program, to engage members of the Hispanic community. Results were presented to the URA board and were used to define the URA’s investment strategy for both plan areas.

Key Outcomes
- Community-identified priorities for two urban renewal plan areas
Improved public relationships and greater trust - Defined investment strategy to support community priorities
Project Deliverables
- Summary reports for each plan area engagement
- Presentation of community priorities to city council / URA board