Design and manage a citywide building energy benchmarking and energy conservation challenge

The City of Fort Collins needed support to design and implement its first-ever multifamily building energy challenge. The challenge sought to help property managers benchmark their properties and to educate tenants about energy conservation and the relevance of ENERGY STAR scores for buildings. The City called on IBE to manage all aspects of the challenge including designing the program strategy, coordinating technical and energy ambassador volunteers, and supporting the City and Cadmus Group in the delivery of technical trainings. Working closely with participating property managers, IBE applied its expertise in behavior change to tailor tenant engagement resources to the unique needs of specific multifamily communities.
Multifamily Tenant Engagement | City of Fort Collins

Key Outcomes

  • Prepared multifamily property owners and managers for Fort Collins’ new building energy and water benchmarking requirements
  • Education of property managers about tenant engagement strategies to support energy conservation
  • Improved tenant awareness of energy conservation

Project Deliverables

  • Tenant engagement strategy, adaptable across diverse properties and tenant communities
  • Toolkit to guide municipalities in supporting property managers in long-term tenant behavior change focused on energy conservation